Institute of Practical Psychophysics has completed development of a new model of hardware-software system “Metatron” with “Intruder” software and is ready to accept purchase orders.
This model is based on HSS “Metatron”-4025 with 4.9 GHz generator frequency and supplied with a laptop with already installed software.
“Intruder” software is the latest specialized development of Institute of Practical Psychophysics in an area of microorganisms and helminthes activity analysis and evaluation of their resistance to modern antimicrobial and antiparasitic preparations.
Importance of this development is dictated by appearance of panresistant superbacteria during recent years, which are resistant to all used antibiotics, that is why NLS-method and computer express-evaluation of activity and resistance of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms against all existing antibacterial (antiparasitic) preparations simultaneously, may become the only possible alternative to a modern medicine.
Major changes in “Intruder” software:
Separate versions of this software, specialized for markets of Japan and China, with support of corresponding languages and national etalons databases, are also created.
Additional detailed information about “Intruder” software can be found in “Software” section: